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Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

Taqwa Credit Cooperative Society Ltd was established in 2015, registered under Credit Cooperative Society Act 1959/60 of Karnataka, with a vision to be the First Islamic Banking Model in India. Taqwa CCS Ltd provides "Riba Free" financial services, by offering reasonable returns on customer deposits and investments through various financing schemes. We provide high quality products to our customers (irrespective of their caste and creed) and empower them to build assets of lasting value. Taqwa CCS Ltd also offers any community / corporate, to opt this financial system by way of Branch or Franchisee.

In line with recognized International Practice and for the information of customers and others who visit the Taqwa CCS Ltd website we believe it is necessary to post a privacy statement. The information shared with the Society will be treated as private. We also desire to say explicitly that adequate precautions have been taken to protect information relating to customers and their dealings with the Society from the mischievous and the fraudsters. Customer confidentiality and privacy are of utmost concern to Us (Taqwa Credit Cooperative Society Ltd). Our employees treat the information we have concerning your accounts in the same responsible and confidential way that we want our own financial affairs treated.