TAQWA-FGA Islamic Banking Studies

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A Synergy You Can Benefit From

We are proud to bring you the brand new Taqwa-FGA Pathway to Islamic banking and finance – a carefully curated selection of courses that are tailored to help you get where you want in your career. A synergy that is born out of a common vision and a hands-on practical, digital approach to Islamic Banking studies, we aim to give you, our students, the best online education in a world-class setting. Taqwa Institute was established in 2015 and has been growing steadily ever since. They have a vision of fostering a positive youth with a strong moral compass and ethical values to drive humanity into the future.

Taqwa Institute First Global Academy

Courses offered under the FGA iBanker Pathway

Certificate in Islamic Banking & Finance (CIBF)

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Diploma in Islamic Banking & Finance (DIBF)

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Executive Diploma in Islamic Banking & Finance (EDIBF)

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Why be an iBanker?

Get a thorough understanding of the Islamic banking and finance industry from the basics, to the products and offerings, global trends and upcoming trends of the industry by completing this pathway for iBankers comprising of a Certificate, Diploma and Executive Diploma levels. When you graduate as an iBanker from First Global Academy, we ensure you have more than just the theoretical knowledge about Islamic banking and finance. Our learning processes and techniques, even the materials and resources that we use on our virtual learning platform, are all geared towards grooming you as a problem solver. There’s practical knowledge and experience based learnings that our experienced team of lecturers bring that you too can benefit vastly from.

A Practical Model of Islamic Banking - 3rd Edition

It is a forgone conclusion and there is no second opinion that interest-oriented economy is a social evil; personal as well as universal, and one of the most effective Satanic tools of exploitation. Developing countries started realizing this fact, but they still find it impossible to liberate themselves from the shackles of 'interest' due to lack of initiative of new nations and more vigorously exploiting methods adopted, from time to time.

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